CPCL Vol 6, no 1. Call for Papers. Mediterranean Imaginaries


The European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes, Vol 6, no 1. 

Edited by Paolo De Martino, John Hanna, Carola Hein.

Download this call in PDF.

Writers, scholars and politicians have historically recognized ‘the Mediterranean’ as a unique space and the cradle of multiple ancient civilizations. This liquid space ­–roughly defined by the sea and its coasts– has been continuously reimagined, redefined, negotiated, and challenged, sometimes to validate political ends, other times to contest mainstream geographical imaginaries. In resonance with the disciplinary and theoretical developments of mid-20thcentury, the historian Fernand Braudel famously placed the Mediterranean at the center of his analysis and his temporal exploration. His spatial understanding of the temporal concept of the long-durée, has influenced historical and geographical approaches over several decades. During this time, the Mediterranean Sea and its surroundings has also changed, both in terms of geography and imaginaries.
This special issue inquires: How can a reconceptualization of the Mediterranean from a sea-based perspective be generative of new theoretical and methodological approaches? What creative methods and tools could be useful for understanding, rethinking and reimagining the Mediterranean Sea, its islands, and its surrounding coasts in light of the increasing challenges of climate change, energy transition, supply chains, migration and mobility?
Scholars have called for a reconceptualization of cities, of sea and land, notably through proposing concepts such as planetary urbanization or urbanization of the sea. With its 46000 kms of coastline and 450 million inhabitants, the Mediterranean Sea is a water basin shared by 24 countries that is currently facing numerous environmental, social and political challenges. Those challenges call for a rethinking of the sea space and the coastal regions of the Mediterranean as a space where many uses, flows and infrastructures can co-exist: from mobility, tourism, recreational uses and enjoyment of heritage, to logistics, data, and new energy infrastructures. It calls for a rethinking of water and land as porous spaces that require adaptive and resilient strategies. This special issue builds upon the two special issues of CPCL 2020 on Port City Cultures, Values, or Maritime Mindsets to extend the discussion with a focus on the Mediterranean Sea and its surrounding regions. 
The aim of this special issue is therefore to reexamine the Mediterranean from the seaside, focusing on diverse methodologies (such as archival, mapping/counter-mapping, visual tools, storytelling) while also inviting reflections on design proposals for new porous development and adaptive strategies.
We specifically invite contributions on six intersecting themes:

  1. Environment and climate resilience. The short- and long-term impacts of climate change on Mediterranean coastal areas and port cities are particularly urgent. New methodological and adaptive design approaches are needed. We invite papers that explore the opportunities and challenges of living with water in the Mediterranean looking at the past, present and future.
  2. Infrastructures and flows. Different systems of infrastructure regulate the flows of goods and people around the Mediterranean, its coasts and hinterlands. They have multiple spatial and social implications. We invite papers to look critically at the history of these infrastructural regimes and/or propose new methods for land-sea integrated planning. 
  3. Digital History and heritage. Digital tools can play a role in documenting and (re)defining Mediterranean architectural and cultural heritage. We invite papers that address the role of digital history and explore its contribution to the creation and dissemination of new maritime mindsets and imaginaries. 
  4. Pedagogy. Pedagogical practices can promote critical (re)considerations of the Mediterranean in relation both to colonial histories and contemporary urgencies. We invite papers that present innovative modalities for understanding and (re)thinking Mediterranean connections as well as (re)designing its port cities and sea-spaces.
  5. Temporalities and porosities. Various temporal rhythms have shaped the experiences and perceptions of spaces in and around the Mediterranean. We invite papers that explore the multiplicity of these temporalities and their relevance for addressing existing challenges. We also invite papers that reflect on the ways in which different time periods have explored the theme of porosity.
  6. Integrated Governance. Various legal and governing regimes have shaped planning in Mediterranean port cities and regions. We invite papers that examine the multi-scalar governance of port city territories in their national and international context over time, providing a foundation for recognizing path dependencies and opening up space for the development of new governance structures.
Vol 6, no 1 timeline

-        Jan 2023. Launch of Call
-        30 Apr 2023. Deadline for paper submission
-        May-Jun 2023. Peer-review process
-        July-Aug 2023. Copy editing and proofreading
-        Sep 2023. Publication

CPCL accepts full papers, written in English, 6,000 words maximum, including footnotes and bibliography. Manuscripts should be submitted online at cpcl.unibo.it. CPCL does not accept e-mail submissions.

For more information, consult our focus and scope and author guidelines.