

Towards an Island-based Narrative of the Western Mediterranean Borderscape – Continental Islands as Condensers and Laboratories

Traeger, Isabella. 2023. “Towards an Island-Based Narrative of the Western Mediterranean Borderscape – Continental Islands as Condensers and Laboratories.” European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes 6 (1):52-67.

When the article above was initially published online on May 21st, 2024, a mistake in the editorial process resulted in the release of a draft version rather than the revised version by the author, Isabella Traeger.

  • The draft version included the abstract: “This article proposes to contribute towards this aims by analysing through a borderscaping approach the remote micro-islands and enclaves which constitute the EUro-mediterranean Southern border, namely Ceuta, Melilla, the Canary Islands, Gibraltar and the Pelagie islands. The article examines these territories as precursors and testing grounds in the implementation of ‘Fortress EUrope’; before focusing on their historical role as core of highly-integrated cross-border regions. It concludes on the potential of these territories as testing grounds of novel trans-Mediterranean narratives and political practices.” The abstract has now been corrected to: “The article focuses on six Western Mediterranean micro-islands and enclaves which act as condensers and catalysers of the region’s multifaceted bordering phenomena. While these territories have become the principal theatre of Europe’s muscular re-bordering brought to its paroxysm by the ‘migration crisis’, they are also the core of (historically) highly integrated cross-border regions. As such, they constitute privileged testing grounds for the development of more nuanced and equitable trans-Mediterranean narratives and political practices.”

  • The author’s affiliation has been corrected from: “Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy” to: “Politecnico di Milano, Italy”

  • The keywords, previously listed as: “Euro-Mediterranean Border; Mediterranean Islands; Re-bordering; Post-colonial.” have been corrected to: “Mediterranean Islands; EUro-Mediterranean Border; Border Studies.”

  • The formulation: “Euro-mediterranean” has been corrected as: “EUro-Mediterranean” throughout the entire article’s text.

  • Figure 1 (Fig.1) caption: “Legend. Source: author’s elaboration” has been corrected to: “Atlas of Mediterranean Continental Islands. Source: author’s elaboration based on data from Ministero del Interno; Statistics Office HM Government of Gibraltar; Istituto Nazionale di Statistica.” and Figure 1 has been updated with a revised version.

  • Figure 2 (Fig.2) caption: “Legend. Source: author’s elaboration” has been corrected to: “CIs’ border enforcement and transcendence in the past century. Source: author’s elaboration based on the cited literature.” and Figure 2 has been updated with a revised version.

  • The subsection title: “3.1 CIs as principal theatre of the ‘immigration crisis’” has been corrected to: “3.1 CIs as principal theatre of the ‘migration crisis’”

  • The section title: “4. De-Bordering: Continental Islands as Imperfect Interfaces” has been corrected to: “4. De-Bordering: CIs as Imperfect Interfaces”

  • The section title: “Conclusion: CIs as Fertile Terrain for the Creation of an Alternative Mediterranean Narrative” has been corrected to: “Conclusion: CIs as Fertile Terrain for the Creation of Alternative Narratives”

  • The reference: “Domínguez-Mujica, Josefina, Beatriz Andreu-Mediero, and Nadia Kroudo. “On the Trail of Social Relations in the Colonial Sahara: A Postcolonial Reading.” Social & Cultural Geography, 19, no. 6 (March 16, 2017): 741–63.” has been removed from the article’s text as it is no longer used in the author’s revised version.

  • The reference: “Ferrer-Gallardo, Xavier, Abel Albet-Mas, and Keina Espiñeira, “Euro-African Invisibilisations in the Border(land)scape of Punta Tarifa”. In Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making. Edited by Chiara Brambilla, Jussi Laine and Gianluca Bocchi. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2015.” has been removed from the article’s text as it is no longer used in the author’s revised version.

  • The references: “Ferrer-Gallardo, Xavier and Albet-Mas, Abel, “EU-Limboscapes: Ceuta and the proliferation of migrant detention spaces across the European Union”. European Urban and Regional Studies 23, no. 3 (2016): 527-530. DOI: 10.1177/0969776413508766.” and: “Ferrer-Gallardo, Xavier and Gabrielli, Lorenzo. “The Ceuta Border Peripeteia: Tasting the Externalities of EU Border Externalization.” Journal of Borderlands Studies, 37 no.3 (2022): 645-655, DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2022.2048680.” have been added to the article’s text as they are used in the author’s revised version at page 60 (footnote 36) and page 62 (footnote 44), respectively.

  • The reference: “Gabrielli, Lorenzo. “Pandemia e sconvolgimento dei sistemi migratori: il caso del corridoio Marocco-Spagna.” Mondi migranti 1/2021 (2021): 123-141. DOI: 10.3280/MM2021-001007” has been added to the article’s text as it is used in the author’s revised version at page 62 (footnote 43).

  • The reference: “Martin, María; Ayuso, Silvia and Clemente, Yolanda “The fences dividing Europe: how the EU uses walls to contain irregular migration”. El País, April 9, 2023.” has been added to the article’s text as it is used in the author’s revised version at page 59 (footnote 30).

  • The reference: “Statistics Office, HM Government of Gibraltar. Census of Gibraltar 2012, 2012.” has been added to the article’s text as it is used in the author’s revised version at page 62 (footnote 47).

  • The reference: “Walker, Peter, “UK Considers Sending Asylum Seekers Abroad to be Processed,” The Guardian. March 18, 2021.” has been removed from the article’s text as it is no longer used in the author’s revised version.

Other minor corrections in form, such as punctuation and grammatical errors, have been made to the article’s text, following the author’s revised version.

The updated PDF version of the article, incorporating all the noted corrections made according to the author’s revised version, was released on May 30th, 2024.


CPCL’s editorial team apologizes for this error.
Bologna, May 30th, 2024.