Collections of the Present in the 20th Century and Beyond: Tokyo’s Fieldwork and Guidebooks as Curatorial Practices
curation, tokyo, fieldwork, urban, guidebookAbstract
Cities worldwide are transforming at an unprecedented speed. The technological advances of the 20th century have instilled significant transformations for urban centers around the world. In this context, the preservation of local communities is becoming a growing challenge for authorities worldwide. In times of such shifts for cities, the relationship between urban past, present, and future becomes a place of negotiation for academics and practitioners alike, with curatorial practices being at its center, creating a shift towards documentations of everyday ordinary life. Tokyo in particular, poses an exemplary case of urban transformations due to social, cultural, and economic restructuring that followed the opening of Japan’s borders in 1868. As a result, fieldwork that took place in the 20th century and beyond evolved to be a vigorous practice that took different forms, aiming to “collect the present”. These works can be retrospectively connected to discuss on notions of curation and interpretation of the city’s transformation, and the role of the observer.
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