A Creative Approach to the Port-City Relationship: The Case of Zones Portuaires in Genoa


  • Maria Elena Buslacchi Aix-Marseille Université
  • Maria Pina Usai DICAAR, University of Cagliari




Port, Research In Action, Festival, Face recognition


One of the goals of 2030 AIVP Agenda is to strengthen port-city relationship by “promoting and capitalising on the specific culture and identity of port cities and allowing residents to develop a sense of pride and flourish as part of a city port community of interest” (6th goal). In order to do that, AIVP suggests to encourage the creation of Port Centres, to provide, by any means, daily news and information on port and city life for residents, particularly young people and school students and to organise temporary or permanent cultural events in port areas. This paper aims at presenting the Zones Portuaires Genoa experience as a device which since 2015 has experimented new methods for attending these objectives. The text will critically observe some projects that have been carried on within this process and will place them in the framework of a “research in action” approach.


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How to Cite

Maria Elena Buslacchi, & Maria Pina Usai. (2021). A Creative Approach to the Port-City Relationship: The Case of Zones Portuaires in Genoa. European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes, 4(2), 130–151. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2612-0496/12129