The Importance of Autonomy in the Port City


  • Roger Rios UNED



Costa Rica, port cities, autonomy, governance, democracy


The port cities of Costa Rica face strong challenges on their path to be sustainable, in addition to those common to all port cities in the world such as: climate change, demands derived from globalization, access to technology and adjustments to innovation. This article addresses specific governance situations, specifically the issue of autonomy in fundamental institutions for the development and sustainability of port cities: local governments, port authorities and state universities. Costa Rica is taking a political turn away from a long democratic tradition and respect for what is established in the political constitution. At this juncture it is essential to alert to citizens, so that they can defend some nation basic principles and to promote inherit a better future for the next generations.


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How to Cite

Rios, R. (2021). The Importance of Autonomy in the Port City. European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes, 4(1), 200–208.