Ecosemiotics of the City. Designing the Post-Anthropocene


  • Nicola Zengiaro University of Bologna



Anthropocene, Ecosemiotics, Holobiont, Nature/Culture, Posthuman


The city was thought as the place of culture, a boundary of separation from the wilderness. Recently, ecosemiotics has shown that every kind of space is a habitat for those who survive in it. Thanks to a semiotic reading of the city, especially the urban park, we will try to deconstruct the opposition between nature and culture. Moving beyond this dualism it means to intersect every form of life that make up the city. This essay will attempt to rethink our time in a multi-species project aimed at the post-Anthropocene. Along this path we will try to imagine a posthuman that can survive the catastrophe. In the proposal we will see what can be done to live together with non-humans. For this reason we must think a new space for a peacefully coexistence. The ultimate question is: is it possible project the city by the relation between human and non-human? In the conclusion we will ask: is it possible to live as a holobiont?


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How to Cite

Zengiaro, N. (2023). Ecosemiotics of the City. Designing the Post-Anthropocene. European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes, 5(2), 204–228.