On the Aesthetics of the Anthropocene: The Sublime and beyond – other Concepts and Forms of Visualizations
Sublime, Aesthetic Categories, Visualization, Human Epoch, DissonanceAbstract
There are many connections that link the aesthetic sphere to the set of phenomena that are encompassed by the general definition of “Anthropocene”. Among them, there are two that are explored in this contribution. On the one hand, it is a matter of getting to the bottom of the relationship between the conceptual heritage of the aesthetic-philosophical tradition and its metaphorical variants with the thematic core of the Anthropocene. On the other hand, it is a matter of ascertaining how this process intertwines and interferes with the forms of visualization of the “human epoch” and thereby conditions the possible reactions that descend from such representations. Finally, to conclude with a tentative assessment of the possibilities of countervisualization and lines of research within the conceptual field of aesthetics for a different rendering of relations with phenomena linked to the notion of the Anthropocene.
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