Collaboration at New Places of Production: a European View on Procedural Policy Making for Maker Spaces


  • Bastian Lange University of Leipzig
  • Steve Harding Birmingham City University
  • Tom Cahill-Jones Birmingham City University



policy clinic, translocal, policy making, collaboration


The paper sheds light on a university-led cross-innovation approach where the focus is on so-called “Makers” as a distinctive local group. We introduce the format of a policy clinic—comparable to policy innovation labs—as a method to bring different stakeholders from various local contexts under a given thematic topic temporarily together to learn how to initiate new policies for maker spaces. The key thematic interest is to focus on city challenges and approaching so-called “wicked problems.” This requires wide stakeholder engagement by others not present at the event of the policy clinic. The clinic is a temporary trans-local event but is framed by wider participation involvement that starts earlier and is accompanied by a number of approaches before the Policy Clinic event takes place. The paper sheds light on a university-led cross-innovation approach where the focus is on so-called "Makers" as a distinctive local group. We introduce the format of a policy clinic—comparable to policy innovation labs—as a method to bring different stakeholders from various local contexts under a given thematic topic temporarily together to learn how to initiate new policies for maker spaces. The key thematic interest is to focus on city challenges and approaching so-called “wicked problems.” This requires wide stakeholder engagement by others not present at the event of the policy clinic. The clinic is a temporary trans-local event but is framed by wider participation involvement that starts earlier and is accompanied by a number of approaches before the Policy Clinic event takes place.


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How to Cite

Lange, B., Harding, S., & Cahill-Jones, T. (2020). Collaboration at New Places of Production: a European View on Procedural Policy Making for Maker Spaces. European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes, 2(2), 63–81.